
My debut poetry collection is available for purchase! If you love bread, hate the Transformers, and need a breath of fresh air from all the angsty teenage poetry out there, this book is for you. Here’s the blurb:


Except for, you know, everything. But this collection of poetry explores the relationship between denial and vulnerability through an even balance of comedic and heartfelt poetry. Through 21 longform poems, multiple metaphors revolving around bread, a few made-up words, and a passionate hatred of the Transformers franchise, Peter Katsnelson paints the picture of someone learning how to let go of denial in this compelling mix of emotions, humour, and personal expression.

What People Are Saying:

"This book astounded me."

"Peter Katsnelson has a razor-sharp wit, and he wields it masterfully across a variety of all-too-relatable subjects."

"A book for readers who balk at reading poetry, let alone actually buying a book of it."

"Makes me happy just looking at it."

"This book made me laugh, cry, and look up who the Jonas Brothers were." (I'm having trouble coping with the fact that my childhood pop idols are seeping into irrelevancy).

That's all I have out for now! But don't worry - I'm always working on something.

More will come in due time. For now, I'll keep busy behind the scenes!